- Product design and services of Haituo Instrument are supported by consistent and broad R&D. Haituo Instrument has established a set of standard management system, passing international certificate of ISO9001: 2000 quality system. We are good at controlling major systems with computer technological resources and integrated industrial computer application technologies (CAT), making our products able to compete with European, American and Japanese products in terms of software and hardware technology. Today, Haituo Instrument has evolved into a global enterprise with full services. Our key products include fast temperature change rate ESS test chamber, high-low temperature & humidity alternating test chamber, constant temperature & humidity test chamber, walk-in environmental test room, high-low temperature shock test chamber, CASS test chamber, precise aging test chamber, rainfall test chamber, electromagnetic vibration test system and customizable test equipment as special requirements of customers.
Aerospace, aviation, electronics, automotive, communications, research and other industries continue to provide technologically advanced, safe, reliable, energy saving equipment and excellent service
Walk-in Environmental Test ChamberFeatureIt adopts board unit combination, and easy to disassemble and can be designed acc...
Temperature and Humidity Test ChamberStructure and materialInternalHigh nickel SUS#316 Heat and cold resistant stainless steel light plat...
High and Low Temperature Test ChamberStructure and materialInternalHigh nickel SUS#316 Heat and cold resistant stainless steel light pla...
High Temperature ChamberSafety Protection Device1 Attached free fuse protection switch NFB2 Over-temperature protection de...
Thermal shock test chamberDUT in the test area is completely stationary.On/off valves in high temperature and low temperature ...
Thermal shockModelETS-210-10SETS-310-10SETS-410-10SOverall dimensions/mmW 500H 1200D 890W 600H 1200D 890W ...
Salt spray test chamber...
步入式大型环境试验室一. 结构设计 内外箱材质箱体拼接,测试区内箱不锈钢板 ( SUS # 304),钢板加粉体烤漆. 外箱灯源 高亮度照明灯 ( 防潮灯 ) 观测窗口 观察试品使用 ( W*L 400 * 400 m...
High Temperature ChamberSafety Protection Device1 Attached free fuse protection switch NFB2 Over-temperature protection de...
Thermal shock test chamberDUT in the test area is completely stationary.On/off valves in high temperature and low temperature ...
Thermal shockModelETS-210-10SETS-310-10SETS-410-10SOverall dimensions/mmW 500H 1200D 890W 600H 1200D 890W ...
Salt spray test chamber...
Temperature and Humidity Test ChamberStructure and materialInternalHigh nickel SUS#316 Heat and cold resistant stainless steel light plat...
High and Low Temperature Test ChamberStructure and materialInternalHigh nickel SUS#316 Heat and cold resistant stainless steel light pla...
High Temperature ChamberSafety Protection Device1 Attached free fuse protection switch NFB2 Over-temperature protection de...
Thermal shockModelETS-210-10SETS-310-10SETS-410-10SOverall dimensions/mmW 500H 1200D 890W 600H 1200D 890W ...
Walk-in Environmental Test ChamberFeatureIt adopts board unit combination, and easy to disassemble and can be designed ac...
Temperature and Humidity Test ChamberStructure and materialInternalHigh nickel SUS#316 Heat and cold resistant stainless steel light plat...
High and Low Temperature Test ChamberStructure and materialInternalHigh nickel SUS#316 Heat and cold resistant stainless steel light plat...
High Temperature ChamberSafety Protection Device1 Attached free fuse protection switch NFB2 Over-temperature protection de...
Temperature and Humidity Test ChamberStructure and materialInternalHigh nickel SUS#316 Heat and cold resistant stainless steel light plat...
High and Low Temperature Test ChamberStructure and materialInternalHigh nickel SUS#316 Heat and cold resistant stainless steel light plat...
High Temperature ChamberSafety Protection Device1 Attached free fuse protection switch NFB2 Over-temperature protection de...
Thermal shock test chamberDUT in the test area is completely stationary.On/off valves in high temperature and low temperature ...
Temperature and Humidity Test ChamberStructure and materialInternalHigh nickel SUS#316 Heat and cold resistant stainless steel light pla...
High Temperature ChamberSafety Protection Device1 Attached free fuse protection switch NFB2 Over-temperature protection de...
Thermal shock test chamberDUT in the test area is completely stationary.On/off valves in high temperature and low temperature ...
Thermal shockModelETS-210-10SETS-310-10SETS-410-10SOverall dimensions/mmW 500H 1200D 890W 600H 1200D 890W ...
Temperature and Humidity Test ChamberStructure and materialInternalHigh nickel SUS#316 Heat and cold resistant stainless steel light plat...
High Temperature ChamberSafety Protection Device1 Attached free fuse protection switch NFB2 Over-temperature protection de...
Thermal shock test chamberDUT in the test area is completely stationary.On/off valves in high temperature and low temperature ...
海拓 服务创新即为根本4月14日,在苏州联谊会举办的前一天,讯石走进吴江海拓仪器设备有限公司(以下简称“海拓仪器”)。了解海拓仪器最新的产品动态以及公司的发展现状。海拓仪器刘总以及业务经理刘春喜、陈粉英热情的接待了我们。海拓仪器有着21年历史专业的可靠性环境试验设备制造商。公司实行自主研发、现场组装的生产模式,在每个产品的生产上严格把关,精益求精,产品获得了业界以及国内外的一致好评。 机遇与挑战是并存的。面对接下来的市场需求与挑战,刘总说道:“公司产品都是经过专业团队精心设计研发的,能使客户产品温湿度在线检测地更快,产品在线检测占地空间更小,产品在线检测成本更低。海拓仪器正在努力为大家在模块测试方面解决难题,特别是海拓仪器的在线式高低温试验箱是模块等器件在线检测的福音,产品在线预温后双手多产品可视化操作快速,绝对不结霜,不用除霜。我们尽可能为客户着想,提高他们产能和效率,分享我们的技术,也希望大家敞开心扉多
海拓仪器:精品路线铸造可靠性测试专家5/17/2016,光纤在线讯,当前,中国已经是光通信器件的制造大国,全球的光器件产品大都在中国制造。中国光器件领域厂家众多、产品质量参差不齐,中国电信科技委主任 韦乐平曾坦露,电信网络的维护成本越来越高。因此越来越多的企业认识到需要依靠有效的测试来确保其产品的稳定性、可靠性,从而进一步保证网络的稳定性并保障客户的网络安全。 作为模拟真实环境并专注于可靠性测试的公司,海拓仪器近几年在光通信领域的产品不断推新,紧贴客户需求,进一步帮助客户提升生产效率,为网络基础设施建设相关产品的安全、可靠提供保障。近日苏州之行--光纤在线编辑拜访了吴江市海拓仪器总经理刘冬喜先生及副总刘春喜先生。 历史沉淀造就非凡魅力 海拓仪器1995年成立,专注于试验用环境测试仪器,由台湾的研发技术团队组成,善用计算机科技资源,导入工业计算机应用技术控制主要系统,使产品在软硬件技术得以与欧美、日本产品相
海拓仪器针对40G/100G推出超快速冷热冲击试验机亮相CIOE 20168/18/2016,光纤在线讯:专业生产高低温循箱制造商---吴江市海拓仪器设备有限公司(以下简称海拓仪器)近日宣布:将携系列高低温循箱设备出席一年一度中国国际光电博览会,届时,海拓仪器将重点展出新品超快速冷热冲击试验机。据光纤在线了解:海拓仪器推出的该款超快速冷热冲击试验机是专业针对40G/100G光模块和芯片测试,-50~100度升降温只需16秒即可实现,温度控制对象可以是环境温度亦或是产品的表面温度,且无需氮气作为耗材,更多详情诚邀业界新老客户朋友莅监光博会展台指导交流,海拓全体工作人员期待您的光临! 海拓展位号:1号馆1225~1226#(餐厅出入口) 参展时间:2016年9月6~9日 参展地点:深圳会展中心 同时海拓仪器今年也将是光纤在线主办的9月7日“中国首届硅光子产业峰会”金牌赞助商,有兴趣的朋友也可光临峰会现场与海拓工作人员现场交流。
【CIOE专访】海拓仪器:16秒完成40G/100G光模块高低温循环测试9/18/2016,光纤在线讯,专注于模拟真实环境并专注于可靠性测试的领先企业,海拓仪器近日在深圳光博会上首次展示其16秒可完成40G/100G光模块和芯片在-50℃~100℃的高低温循环测试。 海拓仪器推出的该款超快速冷热冲击试验机是专业针对40G/100G光模块和芯片测试,可以测试工业温度-50~100度升降温,只需16秒即可实现,温度控制对象可以是环境温度亦或是产品的表面温度,且无需氮气作为耗材。且可以直接上报测试数据,若客户可以再增加机械手、传送带,可以完全实现高低温循环试验全自动化。 海拓总经理刘冬喜表示,该款产品在展会上受到各主流模块商的询问,样机当场也被深圳客户预定。 据光纤在线了解,海拓仪器的环境测试推出每一款产品,都会紧贴客户需求,以帮助客户提升生产效率,为提升网络基础设施建设相关产品的安全、可靠提供保障为目标。在优先保证品质、可靠性的前
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